Green Hosting

Let your hosting be kinder to the environment and the world

Our green credentials mean the practices and policies we follow ensure your sites are greener and together we reduce the cost of hosting on the environment.

Green Hosting

Our hosting is powered by 100% green and renewable energy.

Green & Renewable

We are one of the first hosting providers to be powered by 100% renewable energy; not just carbon offsetting. This means a direct relationship between our datacentre's and the power they use to ensure it is from 100% renewable sources.

Carbon neutrality of our power energy usage is only one step (a large one!) in a number of steps we take as a company to provide green hosting.

100% Renewable Energy
100% Renewable Energy
Green Ethos

Our ethos and green credentials provide you with the knowledge that when you have your hosting with us, you are in a small but very important way helping to battle climate change.

When we launch new products or servies or make a business change, we always at the forefront ensure that as a company what we are doing is in line with our green ethos.

Come and Join Us

Sign up for fast, secure UK hosting with 24/7 UK support. We will never charge you a fee or subscription for your sites to utilise and take advantage of our green platform.

All monthly Web, WordPress and Reseller hosting is available for the first month for only £1 and no minimum contract.

100% Renewable Energy

Cloud Next & Ecologi

Planting trees & funding the world’s climate crisis solutions

Cloud Next are proud to partner with Ecologi to enforce a climate friendly workforce, reduce our carbon footprint and help to plant trees all over the world. As part of this partnership, each month we plant 12 trees and offset 1 tonne of CO2 per employee.

It is common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. They are also crucial to preventing ecological collapse. Through Ecologi and their partnership with The Eden Reforestation Projects, they help plant millions of trees around the world each month.

Ecologi invest into projects that remove more greenhouse gasses than our own carbon footprint puts in. Each month they pick the best CO2 reduction projects with Gold Standard certification, so the highest rated projects are making the most impact.

Minimise your environmental impact
Choose hosting with green credentials

Green Credentials

Helping to be kinder to the environment

The core of our green credentials is in our Energy Efficient Technology & Platform. However, we don't just rely on technology to help make us and ultimately your hosting greener and more environmentally friendly. Through a number of schemes, best practices and incentives we want our company and our team as a whole to be more eco-friendly.

We provide our team with the opportunity to enrol in the Cycle to Work Scheme not only reducing car journeys and the emissions these produce but also improving their health and well being.

We're an internet company - where we're going we don't need paper! Our office is designed to use as little paper as possible and we strive to be a Paperless Office. This of course not only saves the paper itself but the environmental cost of printing.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This extends beyond ensuring the right waste (we try to keep this to a minimum) goes in the right bin. We've eliminated paper and plastic cups - every staff member has their own reusable and refillable drinking vessel.

Why I chose Cloud Next for their green hosting.

Minimising my environmental impact
Cloud Next was recommended to me first and foremost for their hosting packages. Being considerate to our environment is important to me. Whilst chatting to their sales team and asking about their green attributes I was impressed that I could minimise my environmental impact using them as my hosting provider. It's only the little things but they all add up.

Laura, Boost366

Helping as a green company.

5 Star Reviews
Remote Working
A hybrid working model

Our team have the opportunity to work remotely and securely from home. As part of this incentive, Cloud Next invested in providing LED lighting for all remote work spaces.

100% UK Expert Support
Desk Plants
They don't just look nice

Everyone has the opportunity to have a plant on their desk. Plants produce more oxygen, offsetting any chemicals released into the air by new office furniture and making a cleaner, happier space to work in.

Resolved Faster
CO2 Offsetting
Carbon neutral

If any member of our team needs to travel for business, we offset the carbon used for their return travel. We've embraced webinars and remote conferences to minimise our carbon footprint.

Energy Efficient Technology & Platform

Energy Efficient Technology & Platform

The very latest in hosting technology

Your sites are hosted on the latest and extremely energy-efficient Dell servers, including SSDs that use less power than standard SATA disks used by other hosting providers.

Not only is the hardware energy-efficient, but the low power consumption means faster processing speeds and lightning-fast access to your data from 100% SSD hosting across our entire platform.

Responsible platform

Our hosting platform has been designed with a maximum use, no waste of resources mindset. Every aspect of our hosting platform is built to be as energy-efficient as possible. Your site will be "carbon-reducing" when hosted on our platform.

You can feel good that you're helping make a small difference by hosting on a platform that is environmentally friendly.

Our Derby Data Centre
Home to our green hosting

Data Centre PuE

Balancing the need for technology and being kind to our surroundings

In essence, the PuE (Power usage Effectiveness) is the ratio of the energy used by our Data Centre against the energy used by our Data Centre to deliver its services. PuE is a tool that Data Centre owners can use to measure how well the infrastructure is working.

The PuE is higher for more inefficient Data Centres; facilities that require more power will more than likely have a higher operating cost.

Our PuE is on average 1.12 (very efficient).

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Talk to our friendly experts today. We're always happy to hear from you with any questions about our services.

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